Friday, February 1, 2008

Do you ever have one of those nights?.....

Those nights where you go to bed early but still take forever to go to sleep cause you're thinking about your day (what you did, what you still need to do, etc., etc.)? Then you get frustrated because you're not falling asleep yet you should be asleep. Well, that's a typical night for me but this one was a little different.

I finally fell asleep around midnight but woke up to a loud noise 15 minutes later along with a very bright light coming into the bedroom window. Now, i'm fairly used to the search helicopter flying around and shining it's bright lights, after all I went to school in Riverside. :) This was almost an every night occurrence there, so I wasn't immediately alarmed. Once I came to, I heard some more noises beneath our window, not to mention a few cuss words followed by fast cars screeching into our alley. When I got up to look, I saw 4 cop cars with 8 the search helicopter slipped away in the night after locating the men who tried to steal a car.

Apparently, after straining to hear the cops talk...outside our window...a neighbor saw the men and called the police. The men went running and chose to hide down our alley. Such a safe feeling! Not sure how many guys, but definitely more than one. And I'm not sure whose car they were trying to steal but all I could think about was how these men were outside our window and being pushed up against our garage to be handcuffed. The night before, a car alarm went off twice, sounding it's alarm FOREVER at 4:00 in the morning. Hmmm....I wonder if there's any connection. I thought I moved away from the IE...

Poor Jeff missed all the action...didn't see the bright lights or hear the loud noises. He woke up when I got up to check to see if all our windows were shut and locked. Needless to say, it now took me even longer to fall asleep and I was a little tired teaching the next day.

I guess it could have been worse, I could have waken up, not fully cloathed to the S.W.A.T team banging down our door with guns pointing at me insisting I was someone I wasn't. Right Nathan and Kristy?